It’s a cool one this morning, as I write this letter. I had to move my typical back deck coffee and writing ritual, to the front. We are grateful to have a front deck as well. Super handy on the chilly spring and fall mornings. It basks in the sun rise, and is typically way to hot in the summer months. But not this morning.
My back is sore and I need a good workout - yoga session. Heres to hoping I carve out the time to tend to my aching bod. I never regret it when I do. But work always seems to upstage my day.
Yesterday, I saw this post on Instagram by Kayoule Rare Books- Finding it extremely relatable and thought I’d share.
“Collect books, even if you don’t plan on reading them right away. Nothing is more important than an unread library” - John Waters
I felt vindicated in my book hoarding, and bedtime ritual of sleeping with a pile of books that I never pick up.
Does anyone else out there have this odd habit?
I have sooo many books I’ve never read.
And, it’s not rare to see me snuggled into bed at night surrounded by photography magazines, National Geographic’s, and the latest novel I’m attempting to finish.
Who on earth decides they need to read 4 different articles, and a few chapters of a book, at bed time? Delusional expectations, as my eyes slam shut shortly after my head hits the pillow. Surrounded by a pile of books and mags, like some eccentric adult security blanket
So weird.
I’ve done this for as long as I remember. I know I’ve seen a photo of me around the age of 5 or 6, laying in bed sleeping with a book or two. Mom must have thought I looked cute in the moment, because back then she would have had to go get the camera from some closet, hoping there was film in it, snap the photo, and pay for developing. It’s a true miracle there’s photographic proof of my childhood at all. I couldn’t find the above photo in the pile of ancient photo albums we have stashed downstairs. To bad, my pajamas were really cute.
Anyway, my love of words and stories started early. And there’s just something about words on paper, that comfort me and fill my soul.
I have another prompt for you, and me. I will be using it to inspire some of my own photography, and maybe some words for you next week. Who knows, lets see where this one leads.
If you could wish away one aspect of your life right now, What would it be?
My friend, I invite you to join me, explore what thoughts and feelings these words give you. Use them to fuel some creative stuff for you. If you feel like sharing that would be pretty awesome.
But no pressure.
But you should really share it.
Do check out the talented Alice Kuipers over at Confessions & Coffee and her newsletter on how to build a writing life six weeks at a time. Her advice in this particular article is super helpful. Not only are her newsletters lovely to read, but she also has a lot of knowledge and insight for writers.
That being said, I have failed miserably right out of the gate, at starting the story that has been whirling around in my brain. Actually there’s a couple of them. I do have high hopes in applying some of the tactics she writes about here to help me get started.
Spilling this out to you now, kind of holds me accountable for actually starting, something. Fucketh.
Is there a story that your wanting to write?
How do you start?
Till next week
TD - xx
If you enjoyed this little read please share it with someone, because that would make my day and hopefully brighten theirs.
Hello there :) I’m Tamara Dayle, born and raised on the Canadian prairies. A photographer and writer of life stories- Do consider upgrading to a paid subscription, to support my writing, and receive behind the scenes ridiculousness- Wednesday ghost stories, full of wine disclosures, and the occasional collective card pull, join me here.