Lately, a lovely new development. I’ve had plugged ears for about a month now. But mostly my right side. When I breathe or talk it sounds like I’m under water. I can hear my heart beating all day long. I suppose that’s a good thing.
A little gift left behind by an unruly and relentless sinus infection I had a while back.
I did my due diligence, and wasted more hours than I can count in bacteria laden medical clinics waiting to find out if my hearing will ever return. Maybe I’ll have to start learning sign language?
The doctors say - Patience, it more often than not, will drain itself, eventually.
Me - What was that? My ears are plugged. Did you just say it could be up to three months?
Doctor - It’s normal to get sick. Drink more water.
Me, thinking - Thanks tips.
Most days I’m a competent, (by most legal standards) 54 yr old women with a 40oz water tumbler stuck in my hand. I hydrate frequently, and am well versed in the importance of daily H2O consumption. But alas, one never knows when a silly forgetful women, needs a good dose of common sense.
Ok then. I shall remain audibly submersed for an undetermined eternity.
A Creative nugget for you-
Do you write?
I journal almost every morning.
I love putting pen to paper. For me, it is a different kind of therapy than typing on a keyboard, spilling words onto the screen. Although, I do appreciate the perks of modern technology. I mean who doesn’t, in some form or another.
Summer is my favourite. My back deck is both my sanctuary and my inspiration. It helps that our yard, when shit free and mowed, is really quite lovely.
Speaking of shit free, did I mention I have three dogs? Shit pickin’ is not a task one takes lightly around here. Especially when one of those dogs is an Irishwolfhound
Every morning I pour my coffee into my cup, and random thoughts, and ideas onto the page.
Sometimes I’m super brilliant, somedays its just a pep talk. Others, random babble that makes me wonder why I’m allowed a pen in my hand at all.
Still, regardless of my occasional lack of linguistic prowess, I write.
I pulled a prompt card for some photo inspiration the other day. The words were,
Everyday precious things.
How curious that this card presents itself in the middle of a 2nd bout of some nasty virus, that seems to keep mutating and regifting itself, this time with a does of audio impairment.
I feel it could mean just about anything to anyone. One persons precious, can be another persons, well, not so much.
As I absorbed the words, I wanted to take extra care in being a little more aware of what I deem to fall into the scope of this mission. I’m on a precious pursuit. Whatever, whomever, or whenever, that may be.
Turns out they are everything and nothing. They are unpredictable, perfectly timed poetic and messy, no rhyme or reason.
Camera ready? Probably not.
But love how they are randomly scattered around everywhere, like the butter soaked kernels when I devour a bowl of popcorn.
Out of control. No telling where you’re going to find the stuff. Popcorn everywhere. I love popcorn.
Depending on the time of day, I pour myself a cup tea, or a glass of wine, taking time to pause
Life - every day precious things, that happen, to us, around us, and for us.
The camera, is obviously my tool of choice. I’ll take a picture, or three, or ten.
With the pen, I try to think of all the right words to share. Or maybe, the words will stay tucked away in the pages of my yellow journal, on the back deck of summer.
What inspires you? How do you create?
I hope this prompt gives you some creative inspiration, if you feel drawn to the task. Paint it, draw it, photograph it, write about it. And then please do, share it with me. I’d love to see it.
Here are some more of my everyday precious things.
Holy shit, I can not get enough. Also, convinced I need a pet dragon. But until I find one, Finneus, my Irish Wolfhound of medieval descent will have to do.
The Sun Down Motel. Spooky and creepy, ghosts and murder..
The Way of the fearless Writer - Lovely and inspiring.
Warm coffee cheers
xo TD
If you enjoyed this little read, please share it with someone, because that would make my day, and hopefully brighten theirs.
Also find me here
Instagram @tamara_dayle or @unordinarydayle
Threads tamara_dayle
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I so love your writing
Love the picture of Brad! In his reflection he is holding his head and saying "Woman...why are you taking my picture so early in the morning! Go away!"