The Girls
I have some girl friends from out of town coming up to the cabin this weekend. Looking forward to a weekend of entertaining conversation, wine induced comas, good food, and some R & R.
Thing is, our cabin is extremely small. I mean small, like 600 square feet of small.
There are two bedrooms one is the size of a walk in closet, filled end to end with a bunk bed. The lower portion of the bunk we extended out to make it a queen. Thats the guest room.
Your welcome guests.
We also have a tiny trailer I call Bunk House Betty. That is her main purpose, sleeping quarters for extra guests when they come to visit. She also takes us on an occasional camping trips to the mountains. Multi tasking, that Betty is. She is hideous on the outside, but inside she’s not that unfortunate.
What Betty does lack, is a functional bathroom. It’s hard to even get in the door of the bathroom, and when you do, there is no usable toilet, so you might as well turn around, if you can, and get the hell out of there.
One of my friends has decided to bunk, in Betty for the weekend.
Great! You’ll have the whole place to yourself.
I do feel terrible that I cannot accommodate the need for comfortable middle of the night urination.
There is a certain level of roughing it, when you come to stay at the cozy little cabin on Diehl.
That’s what gives it it’s charm.
Next week, I will more than likely have some stories worthy of mention from this weekend, or maybe best left untold. We shall see.
This past week, social media has felt formidable. I have felt the need to detach often.
The longer I’m on it the worse I feel.
Uninspired, creatively sucked dry.
I lose myself in the vortex of never good enough, and mostly just outright overwhelmed.
Originality and creativity, seems to waiver when you are always submersing yourself in what is trending, or popular at the moment.
The catch 22 - being that to promote your work and oneself you need to to be present on certain social media platforms.
Promoting myself or a particular piece of work, can feel daunting, and also a bit like self sabotage. Submersed in the socials again, getting caught up in the scroll, when all you needed to do was create a post.
Well done evil minions of the Interweb. I’m tangled up in your web once again.
So last weekend at the cabin, as I was looking up, instead of looking down, I took some pictures of some Hummingbirds that frequent the feeder in our yard. They were having some intense, and entertaining, mid air spat.
They are feisty little shits, swooping and diving, dodging and chasing one another away from the feeder. Only minutes later to be happily drinking the nectar as they hover across from each another.
Who won? We may never know. They were still at it when we left.
Disclaimer - I am not a nature photographer, and the only lens I had at the time was my Nikkor 40mm 1.2 but it did the trick.
Also - I definitely need some more time to work on that creative prompt from last week.
Turns out creating pictures of that one thing, is a little tougher than I thought.
I will be sharing with you when I do.
Till next week
TD - xx
If you enjoyed this little read please share it with someone, because that would make my day and hopefully brighten theirs.
Hello there :) I’m Tamara Dayle, born and raised on the Canadian prairies. A photographer, and writer of life stories- Do consider upgrading to a paid subscription, to support my writing, and receive behind the scenes ridiculousness- Wednesday ghost stories, full of wine disclosures, and the occasional collective card pull, join me here.