Another successful girls weekend at the cabin, in the books.
Good for the soul. The kind of friends that will kick your ass if needed, and have your back. Lighthearted, stress free, wine saturated and tequila infused.
No one lost a limb or was stung by wasps. I shall declare it a success.
Saturday rain, kept us inside with left over charcuterie, too many cheezies, card games, and day drinking.
Slow to stir Sunday, poured itself into morning coffee, and lake views. The ladies packed up and made their way back to the city. I spent the rest of this smoking hot day on the paddle board, and watching the sunset with this fur turd we call Abby.
This one loves to swim, and jump off the dock to chase after ducks. I don’t know if she’ll ever realize, ducks in water will always have the upper hand over her basic dog paddling skills.
Sunday night was a restless one. The moon was full and the thunder was rumbling all night long, as flashes of lightening lit up the night sky. The dogs were anxious and awake panting, looking for a cozy safe nook to become invisible. Hoping the angry rumbling wouldn’t find them curled up behind an arm chair, or squished behind the water heater. All that noise, and just a tiny bit of rain. Not nearly enough to quench the bone-dry earth from all the heat we’ve been getting.
Daylight finally came. I had my morning coffee down by the water, and of course, tried to capture the melancholy mood of the misty lake.
Light little rain drops began to bounce in the water. It was beautiful, and peaceful, and one hell of a way to spend a Monday morning.
The skies opened up and the rain fell, I was consumed by the scenery and my lens, when I remembered my journal. It was laying wide open in the rain.
Well for shit.
Back to reality.
I moved as fast as I could, hurdling the large gap from the barge platform to the dock. Wood is slippery when wet, and down I went.
On my knees, the left knee took most of the hit. Coffee everywhere. I somehow managed to keep my coffee soaked phone, and dangling camera, from taking a swim, even though they were likely the cause of my less than graceful demise.
No permanent damage, I shall live another day.
A chuckle here, a what the actual fuck there - never a dull moment.
Sometimes it feels like my days are more like a series of mishaps, and getting caught in the rain.
Milestone - First time wiping out on the dock? (good one Tam), and for the first time in many years, taking some time, to play in the rain.
Self Care Arsenal
This week has been a tired one. Rainy on the inside. Is anyone else feeling it? If you are, I have an arsenal of self care routines, that usually do the trick.
If you’ve had an awesome vibe week, good for you! Feel free to put these in your back pocket and save them for a rainy day.
*Bath - Epson salts and some drops of rosemary, and or, lavender essential oil
*Tea - A warm hug on a shitty day
*Sleep - can I get hell ya
*Yoga - Breathe and meditate
*Work out - sweat
*Get into nature - hug a tree, and get my feet in the grass, oh ya I said it.
*Big one - Get off the phone, detach from the socials.
Is there something that you do to keep the good mojo going?
Till next week
TD - xx
If you enjoyed this little read please share it with someone, because that would make my day and hopefully brighten theirs.
Hello there :) I’m Tamara Dayle, born and raised on the Canadian prairies. A photographer, and writer of life stories- Do consider upgrading to a paid subscription, to support my writing, and receive behind the scenes ridiculousness- Wednesday ghost stories, full of wine disclosures, and the occasional collective card pull, join me here.
I love getting to read about your adventures momma, makes me feel like I’m not so far away! Great picture of Abby with the sunset too!